Kleisli you say? That sounds bad! Is it contagious?

Composing functions with Scalaz Kleisli

Posted by Niklas Leopold on July 28, 2020 · 17 mins read

About the post

This is the first post in a series of two(?) about Scalaz’s Kleisli construction.

This post will cover the basic usage of Kleisli. A yet to be written post will cover different operators that are defined on Kleisli.

First a caveat: I’m not a seasoned Scalaz developer with years and years of experience. This post represents my current understanding of the topic. Feel free to drop me a mail if you have suggestions for improvements so I can learn more!

The code examples are available at github.


Kleisli is used for functional functional composition. In this post we will investigate Kleisli by looking a couple of basic examples. We will also try to understand the implementation of Keisli in Scalaz.

So in the word’s of Ramones:

Hey ho

Compose a function

Let’s say that we have two different functions:

def addOne(i: Int): Int = i + 1

def double(i: Int): Int = i * 2

We could combine the two functions like so:

def addOneAndDouble(i: Int): Int = double(addOne(20))

assert(42 == addOneAndDouble(20))

I.e. we first invoke the addOne function and then invokes the double function with the result from the first computation.

This is another way to do the same thing:

val composedFunction: Int => Int = addOne _ andThen double

assert(42 == composedFunction(20))

This is called functional composition, i.e. we compose a new function composedFunction from the existing addOne and double functions.

Here’s another example:

def addOne(i: Int): Int = i + 1

def toAs(number: Int): String = Array.fill(number)("a").mkString

val composedFunction2: Int => String = addOne _ andThen toAs
assert("aaaaaa" == composedFunction2(5))

For this to work the types must lineup, i.e. the type of the output from the first function must match the type on the input of the next function. In the second example above addOne produces an Int, toAs expects an Int as input and hence the types lines up!

This is an example where functional composition is not working:

case class Person(name: String, city: String, books: Set[String], salary: Int)

def nameValidator(p: Person): Either[String, Person] =
    if (p.name.length > 0 && p.name.length < 21) Right(p) else Left("Name failed the validation")

def cityValidator(p: Person): Either[String, Person] =
    if (p.city.length > 0 && p.city.length < 21) Right(p) else Left("City failed the validation")
def salaryValidator(p: Person): Either[String, Person] =
    if (p.salary > 0 && p.salary < 100000) Right(p) else Left("Salary failed the validation")    
val composedFunction3 = (nameValidator _).andThen(salaryValidator) // will not compile, the types don't line up    

The code above contains three functions that is used to validate that content of Person follows some rules. It would be nice if we could compose a single validator function from the three different lesser validation functions.

But alas, the types doesn’t line up since nameValidator produces an Either[String, Person] and the cityValidator expects a Person as input.


This is where Kleisli comes in. The Kleisli gives support to compose functions when the results of the function invocation is Monadic. Examples of Monads are plentiful: List, Option, Either to name a few. Both the nameValidator and cityValidator in the example above are examples where we can use Kleisli.

Compose functions with the help of Kleisli

So let’s compose nameValidation, cityValidator and salaryValidator into a single validation function:

val validator = Kleisli(nameValidator) andThen Kleisli(salaryValidator) andThen Kleisli(cityValidator)

The composed function is used like this:

val books = Set("Programing in Scala")
val validPerson = Person("Niklas", "Malmö", books, 50000)
val invalidPerson = Person("NiklasNiklasNiklasNiklasNiklasNiklasNiklas", "Malmö", books, 500000)

assert(Right(validPerson) == validator(validPerson))
assert(Left("Name failed the validation") == validator(invalidPerson))

Alternative syntaxes for the functional composition above are:

val validator2 = Kleisli(nameValidator) >=> Kleisli(salaryValidator) >=> Kleisli(cityValidator)

val validator3 = Kleisli(nameValidator) >==> salaryValidator >==> cityValidator

What about flatMap?

Yes, flatMap can be used to the same effect like this:

def personValidatorWithFlatMap(p: Person): Either[String, Person] =

Or like this:

def personValidatorWithFlatMap2(p: Person): Either[String, Person] =
    for {
        _ <- nameValidator(p)
        _ <- salaryValidator(p)
        _ <- cityValidator(p)
    } yield (p)

However this is a post about Kleisli, so let’s get back to that.

The signature of Kleisli

Now that we know what Kleisli can be used for, let’s take a look at some code from the Scalaz library:

final case class Kleisli[M[_], A, B](run: A => M[B]) 

We start by looking at the constructor of the Kleisli class. We can see that it accepts functions of the following kind: run: A => M[B]. We can also see that it only accepts a M that has a type parameter M[_]. This mean that the following code will not compile:

def personToPerson(p: Person): Person = p
Kleisli(personToPerson) // will not compile

This since a Person don’t accepts any type parameters. This however will work perfectly fine:

def personToPersons(p: Person): List[Person] = List(p)

This since that List accepts a type parameter. The conclusion is that Kleisli will only work for functions that results in a type constructor.

The next thing from the Kleisli class I would like to highlight is >=> and it’s alias andThen :

def andThen[C](k: Kleisli[M, B, C])(implicit b: Bind[M]): Kleisli[M, A, C] = 
    this >=> k

def >=>[C](k: Kleisli[M, B, C])(implicit b: Bind[M]): Kleisli[M, A, C] =  
    kleisli((a: A) => b.bind(this(a))(k.run))

Well, on second thought to understand the code above we probably should look at the signature for bind first of all:

trait Bind[F[_]] extends Apply[F]

def bind[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => F[B]): F[B]

So it looks like the signature for bind corresponds to the signature of flatMap. Let’s do an experiment with bind and Either:

val b = implicitly[Bind[({type f[x] = Either[String, x]})#f]]

assert(Right(2) == b.bind(Right(1))(i => Right(i + 1)))
assert(Left("failure") == b.bind(Left("failure"): Either[String, Int])(i => Right(i + 1)))

Looks like flatMap to me!

By the way, since Bind only accepts constructs with one type parameter and Either[+A, +B] has two, we have to partially apply one of the type parameters like this: [({type f[x] = Either[String, x]})#f]. The syntax for this in Scala could be better :-).

Syntax error

Ok, so now that we knows what bind does let’s take a look at >=> again:

def >=>[C](k: Kleisli[M, B, C])(implicit b: Bind[M]): Kleisli[M, A, C] =  
    kleisli((a: A) => b.bind(this(a))(k.run))

We can see that it creates a new Kleisli with a function that will do a flatMap when we eventually chooses to invoke the Kleisli.

Maybe a concrete example is in place:

Kleisli(nameValidator) >=> Kleisli(salaryValidator)

//can be simplified to
Kleisli((a: Person) => b.bind(Kleisli(nameValidator)(a))(Kleisli(salaryValidator).run))

//can be simplified to
Kleisli((a: Person) => b.bind(nameValidator(a))(salaryValidator))

If we further substitutes a (i.e. invokes the Kleisli) with validPerson we get:


//can be simplified to

//can be simplified to

In other words we are essentially building a chain of flatMap’s.

Finally i would like to highligt:

def >==>[C](k: B => M[C])(implicit b: Bind[M]): Kleisli[M, A, C] = this >=> kleisli(k)

As we can see the only thing it does is to wrap the in argument in a Kleisli and the call >=>.

This gives us the ability (as already shown above) to compose a function using this simple syntax:

Kleisli(nameValidator) >==> salaryValidator >==> cityValidator

And that’s it, this is the basics of Kleisli, it is nothing but a construction to get the ability to compose functions!


We have shown that Kleisli can be used to compose functions when the result from the function invokation is Monadic. We have also investigated the Scalaz code that makes this work.

We have concluded that we can get the same effect using flatMap but with a less concise syntax:

val personValidator = Kleisli(nameValidator) >==> salaryValidator >==> cityValidator

// is the same as: 

def personValidatorWithFlatMap(p: Person): Either[String, Person] =

In the next post which is yet to be written we will investigate different operators that are defined on Kleisli.


The code examples are available at github.