Covariance and now Contravariance, do I really need to know this?

Contravariance and the Liskov Substitution Principle

Posted by Niklas Leopold on July 17, 2020 · 16 mins read

About the post

This is the third post in a series of three about the Liskov Substitution Principle. The previous posts focuses on LSP in combination with exceptions and covariance so I will not dwell on those topics here.

The Liskov Substitution Principle

The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) states that:

Substitutability is a principle in object-oriented programming stating that, in a computer program, if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S (i.e. an object of type T may be substituted with any object of a subtype S) without altering any of the desirable properties of the program (correctness, task performed, etc.)

This boils down to some requirements on the type signature:

  • Contravariance of method arguments in the subtype.
  • Covariance of return types in the subtype.
  • No new exceptions should be thrown by methods of the subtype, except where those exceptions are themselves subtypes of exceptions thrown by the methods of the supertype.

Let’s learn a little more about the Liskov Substitution Principle and contravariance by investigating a design problem.

The setup

We run a small fruit store and have created a small class hierarchy that models different kinds of fruits.

interface Fruit {
	String color();

interface Eatable extends Fruit {
	String joice();

class Orange implements Eatable {
	public String color() {
		return "Orange";

	public String joice() {
		return "Orange joice";

class Apple implements Eatable {
	private final String color;

	public Apple(String color) {
		this.color = color;

	public String color() {
		return color;

	public String joice() {
		return "Apple joice";

	public void removeAppleCore() {
		System.out.println("Apple core removed");

A more flexible signature?

We will use the generic type Consumer as our test vehicle:

public interface Consumer<T> {

     * Performs this operation on the given argument.
     * @param t the input argument
    void accept(T t);

The Consumer interface was introduced in Java 8 when Java got support for lambdas and is used like so:

Consumer<Apple> myConsumer = new Consumer<Apple>() {
	public void accept(Apple apple) {
		System.out.println("I like: " + apple.color() + " apples!");
myConsumer.accept(new Apple("Yellow"));

// the same but more concise syntax
Consumer<Apple> myConsumer1 = (Apple a) -> System.out.println("I like: " + a.color() + " apples!");
myConsumer1.accept(new Apple("Red"));

// the same but even more concise syntax
Consumer<Apple> myConsumer2 = a -> System.out.println("I like: " + a.color() + " apples!");
myConsumer2.accept(new Apple("Green"));

Ok, so let’s say that you have implemented a function that supplies a Consumer with an Eatable fruit:

private static void getEatableFruits(Consumer<Eatable> eatableConsumer) {
	eatableConsumer.accept(new Apple("Red"));

After we have sent a Consumer to the getEatableFruits operation it is supplied a nice Eatable fruit of unspecified kind.

Armed with the knowledge from the my previous post about covariance we know that this is probably not the most flexible signature that is possible. Could we use covariance?

Covariance to the rescue?

We could change the signature to this:

private static void getEatableFruitsCovariant(Consumer<? extends Eatable> eatableConsumer)

and then use the updated method like so:

Consumer<? extends Eatable> eatableConsumerCovariant;
Consumer<Apple> appleConsumer = (Apple a) -> System.out.println("With this fruit I can: " + a.removeAppleCore());
eatableConsumerCovariant = appleConsumer;

This looks amazing and it is also much more flexible! Now we only have to implement getEatableFruitsCovariant and we are done! It goes like this:

private static void getEatableFruitsCovariant(Consumer<? extends Eatable> eatableConsumer) {
	Apple apple = new Apple("Red");
	// eatableConsumer.accept(apple); // will not compile

Computer says no

Wait! What! Why?

Well, it turns out that it is not safe to declare a Consumer to be covariant on Eatable. Why is that?

Let’s pretend for a moment that we did not get a compile error in the example above! If a Consumer is declared to be covariant it would be ok to call it like this:

private static void getEatableFruitsCovariant(Consumer<? extends Eatable> eatableConsumer) {
	Orange orange = new Orange();
	eatableConsumer.accept(orange); // will not compile in reality

	Apple apple = new Apple("Red");
	eatableConsumer.accept(apple); // will not compile in reality

And the client would use the method like this:

Consumer<? extends Eatable> eatableConsumerCovariant;
Consumer<Apple> appleConsumer = (Apple a) -> System.out.println("With this fruit I can: " + a.removeAppleCore());
eatableConsumerCovariant = appleConsumer;

Do you see the problem? Since we have declared that the Consumer is covariant on Eatable we have said that Consumer<Apple> is a subtype of Consumer<Eatable>. If that is the case we can (according to LSP) replace a Consumer<Eatable> with a Consumer<Apple>.

Since an Orange also is a subtype of Eatable it is totally ok to feed the Consumer<? extends Eatable> with an Orange, which is the core of the problem.

So, the client is free to use a Consumer<Apple> when calling getEatableFruitsCovariant but at the same time getEatableFruitsCovariant is free to call the Consumer<? exends Eatable> with an Orange. But an Orange doesn’t have the removeAppleCore that we later calls in Consumer<Apple>!

We fought the law and the law won (LSP that is).

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It is clear that we can’t declare a Consumer<Apple> to be a subtype of Consumer<Eatable>.

Contravariance to the rescue

Ok, so what can we do? We can use contravariance! When using contravariance we goes in the other direction when subtyping. So if an Eatable is a subtype if Fruit then a Consumer<Fruit> is a subtype of Consumer<Eatable>.

It’s defined like this on wikipedia:

Within the type system of a programming language, a typing rule or a type constructor is:

  • covariant if it preserves the ordering of types (≤), which orders types from more specific to more generic;
  • contravariant if it reverses this ordering

In Java that looks like this:

Fruit fruit;
Eatable eatable = new Apple("Red");
fruit = eatable; //works since eatable is a subtype of fruit
Consumer<? super Eatable> eatableConsumerContravariant;
Consumer<Fruit> fruitConsumer = (Fruit f) -> System.out.println("The color of the fruit is: " + f.color());
eatableConsumerContravariant = fruitConsumer; // works since fruitConsumer is a subtype of eatableConsumerContravariant

Ok, so let’s try it out, we implement getEatableFruits like this instead:

private static void getEatableFruitsContravariant(Consumer<? super Eatable> eatableConsumer) {
	Orange orange = new Orange();

	Apple apple = new Apple("Red");
	Fruit fruit = new Fruit() {
    	public String color() {
    		return "Red";
    // eatableConsumer.accept(fruit); // will not compile

No complaints from the compiler this time, so far so good! The client of getEatableFruitsContravariant will use the method like this:

Consumer<? super Eatable> eatableConsumerContravariant = (Eatable e) -> System.out.println("With this fruit I can produce: " + e.joice());

Consumer<Fruit> fruitConsumer = (Fruit f) -> System.out.println("The color of the fruit is: " + f.color());

Still no complaints from the compiler! We have found the flexible signature for our method, and it’s always safe to use for the client! Why is that?

Well, we have to look at what is given to the Consumer and what the consumer expects. We have stated that a Consumer<Fruit> is a subtype of Consumer<Eatable>.

We know that the type of what we give to the Consumer in this case always will be an Eatable or a subtype of Eatable (for example an Apple).

So the Consumer<Eatable> in this case will be given at least an Eatable which is no problem since it assumes that this is the case, it is not possible for it to use methods on for example Apple.

What about Consumer<Fruit>? It will also be given at least an Eatable but it assumes even less than Consumer<Eatable>, it assumes that it is given a Fruit. Since it only uses methods on Fruit it is quite safe to send an Eatable (or a subtype of Eatable) to it since Eatable is a subtype of Fruit and hence must support all operations on Fruit.

All is well!


The Liskov Substitution Principle LSP states that:

Substitutability is a principle in object-oriented programming stating that, in a computer program, if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S (i.e. an object of type T may be substituted with any object of a subtype S) without altering any of the desirable properties of the program (correctness, task performed, etc.)

This boils down to some requirements on the type signature:

  • Contravariance of method arguments in the subtype.
  • Covariance of return types in the subtype.
  • No new exceptions should be thrown by methods of the subtype, except where those exceptions are themselves subtypes of exceptions thrown by the methods of the supertype.

In our example we declared Consumer<Eatable> to be contravariant on Eatable (the in argument) which lead to that Consumer<Fruit> is a subtype of Consumer<Eatable>.

We observed that this is a safe thing to do and that we got a more flexible API.

The code examples are available at github.